Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 585-6):
(i) mind:— mind as space: cross one's mind, broaden the mind, be out of one's mind, to be driven out of one's mind, get something out of one's mind, search one's mind, at the back of one's mind, to put at the back of one's mind, at the front of one's mind— mind as container: occupy the mind, escape/slip one's mind, an open mind, a closed mind, keep in mind, to have in mind,— mind as physical organ: blow one's mind, to boggle the mind, to have something on one's mind, the mind recoils(ii) other mental constructs:— emotion as location in vertical space: be up/ down, be high/ low, depress sb, lift sb's spirits, spirits soar; fall in love, love deeply, abhor/ detest/ dislike deeply— emotion as liquid/ gas (contained in body): explode, vent one's anger, blow one's top, to boil over, to smoulder, to cool down, to keep the lid on,