Wednesday 9 March 2022

An Example Of Characterising Registerial Variation In Terms Of Domains Of Experience

Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 355, 356):
Characterised in terms of the general domains of experience construed by figures, weather forecasts fall within being & having. This does not mean that they are completely static — there are phases of being (coming to be, etc.); nor that there is no sense of causation — fronts, weather systems, and pressures can serve as Agent. However, the basic motif is one of states of being without any external causes; put in terms of scale, a weather forecast construes a macro-being — the meteorological state of the environment — consisting of a number of atomic micro-beings which move in and out of existence of their own accord. 
The domain construed in recipes is at another pole of figures — one of doing, where a human acts to impact on the world (within the confines of the kitchen). … A recipe is a kind of procedural text — a sequence of operations for arriving at some well-defined end result …; it is a macro-operation, consisting of a number of atomic micro-operations. It is dominated by procedures (algorithms, figures of doing) that lead to some specific goal: the dominant cause is purposive. An agent or agents try to produce, assemble, repair, etc..
From the interpersonal point of view, the notion of procedure can also be taken as a gloss on the interaction between the writer and the reader, it is a macro-proposal, consisting of a number of instructions or directions to the reader.