Thursday 15 July 2021

Degree Of Participanthood: Impacting

Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 167):
As we have seen, the Goal in the particularistic model corresponds to the Medium in the generalised model wherever the figure is one of doing to or doing with. The Goal is impacted in some way by its participation in the Process; the "impact" either (i) brings a participant into existence or else (ii) manipulates one that already exists.
(i) Prepare the sauce according to your favourite recipe 
(ii) Fry the aubergines for 5-10 minutes
Skin the tomatoes
Heat the ollve oil
Boil the eggs hard
Beat all the items together
Shape the lentil puree into cakes
If the Goal is something that already exists, the result of the Process is to bring about some change — in its location, make-up, temperature, shape, &c.; and the result may be construed as a separate element, with the function Attribute (hard) or Rôle (into cakes).
These examples highlight the participant status of the Goal, showing the senses in which the Goal can be said to be impacted. There is no such impacting in the case of the Range.