Wednesday 17 February 2021

Semantic Types Are Classified By Grammatically-Construed Criteria And Structural Roles

Halliday & Matthiessen (1999: 87-8):
Semantic types in different taxonomic regions are distinguished according to different criteria; and they have different sets of roles. But the different criteria and sets of roles are construed within the grammar. …

(i) Phenomena within different taxonomic regions are classified according to different kinds of grammatically construed criteria. For example:
(a) perception (figures: subtype of sensing): according to means of perceiving: see (means: eyes)/ hear (means: ears)/ smell (means: nose)/...

(b) transformation (figures: subtype of doing): according to result, e.g. break (result: into pieces)/ melt (result: into liquid state)/ shrink (result: smaller)/ pulverise (result: powder, dust)/...

(c) motion (figures: subtype of doing): according to manner, location, purpose, e.g. fall (location: downwards)/ stroll (purpose: for pleasure)/ flee (purpose: to escape)/ walk (manner: with legs, fairly slowly)/...

(d) higher animals (elements: subtype of conscious thing, at the taxonomic depth of species): according to epithets of age and sex, e.g. cow (sex: female, age: adult), bull (sex: male, age: adult), calf (age: nonadult).

(e) artefacts (elements: a subtype of object): according to material, purpose, e.g. containers (purpose: to contain substances) — barrel (material: wood), basket (material: cane or other woven material), basin (material: metal), bowl (material: earthenware or glass).

(ii) Phenomena within different domains have different grammatically construed structural roles associated with them. For example:
(a) perception: perceiver & phenomenon being perceived;

(b) concrete thing (elements: subtype of object): various epithets, specifically of physical dimensions such as size, shape, weight, colour and age.

(c) weight (elements: subtype of quality): tensor, showing degree of intensity.